About Eden Rafuse


Eden Rafuse is an interdisciplinary artist based in Mississauga, who creates connections between natural cycles and the human subconscious to work through philosophical aspects of the human experience. Along with their paintings and animations, Rafuse has created public interventions, such as paper cutouts of people pasted on the walls of abandoned buildings around toronto, to bring attention to issues of homelessness in the GTA. Along with these public interventions Rafuse has worked alongside Kaleidoscope arts, a studio based in Streetsville, leading and assisting workshops as well as premiering in their 2017 summer art show. Rafuse has stated a desire to establish narratives within their projects of false representations of reality, as well as expanding into more time-based media productions. Issues Rafuse often addresses relates to their identity as a female born, queer, Wiccan artist struggling to find a place within a constantly inaccessible environment.


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Artist CV pdf link: file:///C:/Users/edenr/Downloads/Eden%20Rafuse%20CV%20(1).pdf
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