
Flow, 2018

Documentation of In-situ alteration.

Rafuse looks at the various paths that go throughout the forest. From the deer trails to the water flows and the biking path Eden attempts to illustrate the relationship between these avenues but tracing their edges with flowing pine needles. Rafuse notes some of the most interesting aspects of the project were the reactions of the relationship they observed other users of the woods had with the project. 


Flow, 2018

Documentation of In-situ alteration.

Rafuse looks at the various paths that go throughout the forest. From the deer trails to the water flows and the biking path Eden attempts to illustrate the relationship between these avenues but tracing their edges with flowing pine needles. Rafuse notes some of the most interesting aspects of the project were the reactions of the relationship they observed other users of the woods had with the project. 


Short term pleasure, long term pain, 2017

documentation of carved candle before performance.



Short term pleasure long term pain, 2017

documentation of carved candle before performance. 


Short term pleasure long term pain, 2017

documentation during performance.

Rafuse reflects on being in a toxic relationship in which there is satisfaction within the moment, but as time goes on it does more harm than good. 


Skin Deep

Acne is something most people experience in their lives, but some get it worse than others. Though yes this can be cause by poor hygiene, most of the time this is a Hereditary or hormonal struggle. Eden remarks on uncomfortable social situations they had to face due to their common skin condition. "You present yourself to the world with your face. People would come up to me all the time, I even remember a little girl who asked me what was on my face. It was impossible not to notice, and even worse impossible to control, took a huge shot to my confidence"


Surface Level

"How can you make something which is gross to so many: likable? At this point I was already undergoing medical treatments, but I was realizing their would be scars that would never heal. While I wanted this time to be over as soon as possible I wanted to try to document the condition my skin was in, in a respectful way. In a way that I could look back on and not feel the bad in those moments but find a way to still find beauty in myself"


Inquietude, 2019.

Even after being removed from a traumatic situation and dedicating time and energy into metal healing, there still remains a physical and emotional response and discomfort towards specific areas of the body. The proud position suggests defiance, but the fairy light binding represents an invisible disturbance.  

Using Format